Project Description

Custom Hardwoods

Brand Development  /  Logo


After four decades, Custom Hardwoods’ list of projects they haven’t done gets shorter and keeps them on their toes. Whether it is mill services to get your project started on the right foot, custom furniture of your dreams, or architectural milling for floors or moulding, their passion shines through.

Project Goals

Custom Hardwoods looked to us to make their brand accurately reflect what their company now does. After several decades of offering mill services, they saw a need for crafting custom furniture, and the need for clients to be able to purchase wood, like live edge slabs, for their own projects. This widened their audience and made a shift in their clientele. 

Operating with the same logo since the start of their business, it was time for a refresh for this evolving business.

Custom hard woods header
Custom hard woods logos
Custom hard wood branding
Custom hard woods branding
Custom hard woods branding
Custom hard woods branding
Custom hard woods branding


The Identity

The final brand identity stand strong on its own. Like a lot of their pieces, it is bold and reflects craftsmanship. They make it easy for a customer and don’t over complicate their processes, so we gave them a mark that reflects that idea. The combination of the C and H offers a mark that can stand alone on a branding stamp for wood or apparel, while it also compliments their wordmark. In addition to the mark, a circle emblem adds personality and a custom touch. Their colors shifted from the original greens into warm browns and blacks. These colors reflect their end result and finished pieces.

Exceptional Care

“We are very happy with it and are rolling it out across digital and paper materials!”


There’s more where that came from.

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The hardest part of achieving a goal is taking the first step

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