“We’ve been working with Pivot since the beginning.”

– Real Deals

Our team has enjoyed the opportunity to support the marketing efforts of Real Deals for over a decade. With more than 50 franchise locations throughout the U.S. and Canada, Real Deals has made their mark in the world of home décor and women’s fashion.

Consistency is key

As the company has experienced growth and expansion, a need arose to solidify the brand identity and establish cohesion across all operations. To gauge existing feelings and impressions of the brand and shopping experience, our team developed a comprehensive survey and conducted in-person focus groups targeted toward customers and shoppe owners. The data yielded from these methods allowed us to hone in on what each segment viewed as key values, strengths, and areas for growth. The end result provided the foundation for developing brand messaging and a refreshed visual identity.

Branded clothing tag hanging on shirt
Spring event graphic with rabbit and flowers
Assortment of business cards
Store front of Twin Falls, Idaho location
Cash wrap wall with framed prints

Definition of identity

Born from these studies was a Brand Book which expressly identified core values, a definition of “who we are and are not”, and key messaging for shoppe owners. Our team also developed a refreshed visual identity that represents these feelings and values of family, friendship and service.

Our team continues to put Real Deals’ brand identity and messaging into action at both corporate and local levels. Support is provided throughout the development of campaigns, print and digital advertising, interior and exterior signage, web design and management, and more.

Cover of Real Deals Brand Book
Interior view of Real Deals Brand Book
Real Deals website on laptop and phone

Real Deals Website

The Real Deals website allows fans and prospective franchisees learn more about the brand and lifestyle of Real Deals. Users have the ability to navigate an interactive map of North America to find their nearest shoppe, join the Fan Club, and learn about franchising opportunities.

Visit Site


Real Deals - Stay the Course
Halloween email header graphic
Girls' Night Out event graphic

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